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Marcelo AndradeWriting your own programming language and compiler with PythonIntroductionJun 28, 20184.4K33Jun 28, 20184.4K33
SANJAY KUMAREnhancing Web Security: Developing AdvSQLi for Robust SQL Injection DetectionIntroduction Hello,I have developed an innovative system aimed at enhancing web application security. Our project, AdvSQLi, focuses on…Jun 1, 20241Jun 1, 20241
VengeanceEvil Twin Attack: Steal Wi-Fi PasswordCracking wifi password through a dictionary attack can only be successful if the password is listed in the wordlist that you are using…Jul 5, 20234502Jul 5, 20234502
InSystem WeaknessbyDiego TellaroliUsing ChatGPT to write exploitsHello everyone, my name is Diego Tellaroli and today we are going to use ChatGPT to write exploits.Feb 10, 202374917Feb 10, 202374917
InSystem WeaknessbyAlopix | ΑλώπηξHow to bypass a Windows passwordNot an April fools jokeApr 1, 2023163Apr 1, 2023163
GokulsspaceThe 30000$ Bounty Affair.It was one of the hottest day in the hottest district of Kerala, i.e, Palakkad. I was bug hunting all day and the sweat was soaking me all…May 28, 20231.93K29May 28, 20231.93K29
SANJAY KUMARNO RATE OF LIMIT ON UNESCO IN RESET PASSWOARD AND EMAIL VERIFICATIONThis is SANJAY KUMAR I was found UNESCO subdomain website at No rate of limit vulnerabilityDec 3, 2022Dec 3, 2022
Jerry Shah (Jerry)HTTP Parameter Pollution - It’s Contaminated AgainSummary :Jul 26, 20224433Jul 26, 20224433
InAndroid DevelopersbySabsThe deep links crash course, Part 1: Introduction to deep links“What can you do with deep links?” I welcome you to the first installment of the deep links crash course series…Sep 2, 20224163Sep 2, 20224163
InInfoSec Write-upsbyOmar HashemHow I Found Multiple SQL Injections in 5 Minutes in Bug BountyHi everybody, SQL Injection is one of the most critical vulnerabilities that can be found in web applications I will show you today how I…Sep 22, 202292511Sep 22, 202292511
InInfoSec Write-upsbyOmar HashemOrange Arbitrary Command ExecutionHi everybody Omar Hashem is here, I will share with you how I was able to achieve more than 10 RCE in different companies using the same…Sep 29, 20224874Sep 29, 20224874
InInfoSec Write-upsbyOmar HashemFull Company Building TakeoverHello everybody, Most of the time you read about account takeover or Infrastructure takeover but did you heard before about Company…Oct 6, 202269116Oct 6, 202269116
Ahmed QaramanyError based SQL Injection with WAF bypass manual Exploit 100%Hey folks, Back again with SQL injection WAF bypass write-up, I’m gonna share what methodology I used to bypass the WAF block.Oct 6, 20228204Oct 6, 20228204
InNumen Cyber LabsbyNumen Cyber LabsAnalysis and Summary of TCP/IP Protocol Remote Code Execution Vulnerability CVE-2022–34718An Analysis of Remote Code Execution Vulnerability CVE-2022–34718Oct 26, 20221512Oct 26, 20221512
mehedishakeelImproper Access Control — My Third Finding on Hackerone!Improper Access Control means web application or software functions does not restrict or incorrectly restricts access and usage to any…Nov 2, 20224965Nov 2, 20224965
InSystem WeaknessbyRyuuKhagetsuGetting P1 Bug Only With My CellphoneHi everyone how are you?, I hope you guys are well. I’m RyuuKhagetsu, this is my article in English, sorry if there are any mistakes. I…Nov 2, 20221502Nov 2, 20221502